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Tel: 01702 716288
If you are unable to access anything on this website please contact the office as above.
Christmas Lights Tender documents are now live on Contract Finder:
Find out more about hiring the centre for your next special event or see what we have got going on...
Could you spare just 16 hours a month to help keep your town safe?
Have a question for one of our Councillors? They are happy to hear from you
'To promote, represent and provide for the community of Leigh-on-Sea'. This is done by 16 Councillors serving the Town over 8 wards.
If you are struggling with the cost of living crisis, you may be eligible for financial support. Southend-on-Sea City Council has produced a summary of the services which may be able to help you during this difficult time. See what cost of living support you could be eligible for...
the above link will open a PDF document
Civility & Respect Pledge - Certificate no. 6
As a Council we are proud to have signed up to the Civility and Respect Pledge and we fully support all our councillors, officers and community centre staff in the execution of their duties without harassment, bullying or intimidation and that should such behaviour be found to occur we will do all within the powers available to us to highlight and eradicate it